
身如牢笼——《James T Kirk自传》再版前言






  JAMES T. KIRK WAS REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION shortly after completing this manuscript. He was aboard the new Enterprise, and helped save it from destruction. The report said he was blown out of the ship when the hull was ruptured. His body was never recovered.
  But he is not dead.
  I will justify that statement in a moment. First, I take fault with some of the logic in his manuscript. He wonders whether he helped more people than he hurt.
  But it is a matter of objective fact that due to his efforts, four major interspecies wars were avoided. The innocent billions whose lives were saved by his actions far outnumber those who fell by his hand. This does not even include all the discoveries the ships under his command made, which have gone on to improve the quality of life for all the citizens of the Galaxy.
  He has many regrets about not having a family of his own. From my own perspective, James Kirk pushed me toward an acceptance of my humanity, and by extension, an acceptance of myself as a whole. I learned from him many things, especially how to joke, and always felt his watchful eye over me. I know that I was not the only crew member to feel this way. He was our father, and though it
violates my philosophy to say so, we loved him for it. His children are the crew members who revered him and carry his legacy now to the limits of known space.
  His family lives on.
  In addition, his work and accomplishments make him one of the greatest men who ever lived. That is objective fact; as a Vulcan, I am incapable of hyperbole.
  But his story is not over, because, as I said earlier, he is not dead.
  This is not the first time I have said this, and many individuals believe that I have no proof, and that I am indulging my human half’s need for “wishful thinking.”
  But it is not. I know this logically; it is actually my Vulcan half that has the proof.
  One of the effects of my people’s ability to mind-meld is a permanent connection between the mind of the Vulcan initiating the meld and that of the subject. From moment to moment, I am only vaguely aware of these connections;our mental disciplines keep them compartmentalized and away from our daily
thought processes.
  But one thing we are always certain of is when a connection is lost when someone dies.
  Over the years, I have experienced the death of the Horta on Janus IV, and of Dr. Simon Van Gelder, and of Gracie the whale. The experience was akin to a building at night with its windows lit. And then one light goes out. You know whose light it is; you feel them gone.
  I had mind-melded with James T. Kirk on  several instances over his lifetime.His light still burns. He lurks in the recesses of my mind. Sometimes, I try to focus on him, to try to determine where he is. I do not believe he knows, but I can sense his emotional state. Wherever he is, he is happy.
  I do not believe in an afterlife, but I will let my human half indulge in some wishful thinking.
  He will return.


《James T Kirk自传》再版前言




  我认为我有必要向大家介绍一位也许大家众所周知的人物。但是我同样要说,他可能也与诸位读者众所周知的那位星际舰队企业号的舰长James T Kirk先生不一样。

  他同样叫做James T Kirk,他也来自我的宇宙。


  在另一个宇宙中,叫James T Kirk的那位,同样是星际舰队企业号的舰长。我的舰长,他的一生都在承担他所应当承担的职责,并且在很多时候,我知道他甚至担起了超越他身份和能力的重担。但是他无一例外就这些交给他的任务给出了完美的答卷,有时候他以一己之力拯救了一个或者两个人,有时候他拯救了全部银河系。但是不幸的是,因为他的一生都只能自己独自承担那些不该他承受的压力,所以哪怕在死亡到来的前一刻,他都仍旧在质疑自己的很多决定,并为此自责懊悔。





  对于人类,James T Kirk是伟大的。他的一生相较于他的同胞来说过于短暂,但他回归到星辰中去的时候,他足以与亚历山大,凯撒,哥伦布,麦哲伦,库克比肩。他是人类历史长河中最值得铭记的英雄之一。







Ambassador S'chn T'gai Spock


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